April 16, 2018
Cameron Foundation welcomes new board member
The Cameron Foundation welcomes Alice Squires Martin to its board. Martin is an active volunteer and civic leader in the Tri-Cities area and has served as an educator for preschool children for nearly 30 years. A longtime Petersburg resident, Martin serves on the boards of the Friends of the Historic Farmers Bank and Petersburg Garden Club. She works with a number of other groups to support historic preservation, civic engagement, and health. For more than 35 years, Martin also has volunteered at the Twig Shop at Southside Regional Medical Center.
In welcoming Martin, Cameron’s Board Chair Pam Martin Comstock said, “The Cameron Foundation works across a wide range of programs to fulfill its mission, including health, human services, education, arts and culture, historic preservation and conservation, as well as community and economic development. Through her own civic involvement, Martin brings a broad base of experiences in working with organizations in many of these fields. We are honored to have her join our board and enthusiastic about the perspective that she adds to our work.”
Martin fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Cleveland A. Wright. Wright had served as Cameron’s founding Board Chair and was the last among the founding board members to retire.