
Catchafire logo
Catchafire, Where Talent Meets Purpose, is a global network of nonprofits, funders and volunteers that offers a unique opportunity for nonprofits to work with skills-based volunteers who support them in over 150 project types. Through its online platform, Catchafire connects nonprofits virtually with professionals ready to lend their expertise and provide critical capacity support on projects related to marketing, IT, finance, design, fundraising, human resources, strategic planning and more.

For nonprofit organizations in Cameron’s service area whose work aligns with Cameron’s mission, the Foundation is offering fully funded, year-long membership to Catchafire. This resource provides these groups with access to:

  • Over 150 types of capacity-building projects to use and customize to meet their needs
  • Unlimited access to one-hour phone consultation sessions with this community of experts
  • Curated educational content, such as live and pre-recorded webinars, so organizations can get feedback and quick answers to important questions

Contact Risha Stebbins, Cameron’s Senior Program Officer and Director of Communications, to learn more.