March 19, 2025

Soft Launch of New Grants Management System

The Cameron Foundation is excited to announce that we are in the process of upgrading our grants management database system. The new system will be more user-friendly, customizable and able to strategically capture outcome data throughout our service region. The first phase of the database transition will begin on March 20 and will encompass the move to our new grants management platform. Please note that while the platform may “look” different, it will be asking the same questions that have previously been requested of our grant applicants.

March 20: new site has “soft opening”

ALL Applicants for funding during The Cameron Foundation’s October 2025 grants cycle will have to submit their Letters of Intent (LOI) applications via the new grants platform by using the NEW GRANT APPLICATION button on our website.

• This link will take you to a new page that looks different but requires the same information that Cameron grantees have always been asked to submit.

• Once you create a new account, you will be taken to an Eligibility Quiz (this is the same process as what Cameron utilized before).

• You may then proceed with submitting your LOI application. Again, the pages on the grant submission site may look different, but you will be responding to the same questions that have been asked in prior years by Cameron.

The LOI, including all required information and attachments, must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 2025.

Please note that when you get into the new grants management system, there will be helpful video tutorials available to provide you with assistance as you navigate that new database.

In addition, we will provide a brief overview of the new system during The Cameron Foundation’s Information Session taking place on Wednesday, April 2, at 10:00-11:30 a.m. This session is being offered in a hybrid format so that you may attend either in-person or via Zoom. Registration is required and may be done by email ( or by calling 804 732 8900. Please provide the following information when you make your reservation: organization, your name and position in the organization, phone number and email.

You may access previous applications and reports that you have submitted to Cameron through the APPLICATIONS & REPORTING ARCHIVE portal on our website. When you access these archival documents, you will use the same username and password that you already had set up in our system.

If you have any questions or request technical assistance with this new system, you may email our grants manager, Michelle Hornby, at with details of your query. We will work diligently to respond to your question within 24 hours.

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