April 28, 2023
Cameron Foundation announces updated deadlines for October 2023 grant cycle
The Cameron Foundation, a major funder for nonprofit organizations serving the Tri-Cities area, has published updates to
its responsive grant deadlines for the October 2023 cycle.
“After making changes to our internal process for reviewing grant proposals for the October 2023 cycle, we determined that we could extend the deadlines for both Letters of Intent and full proposals this time,” explained The Cameron Foundation’s president, Nadine Marsh-Carter.
The Foundation utilizes an online application process for its two responsive grant cycles annually, and there are two steps in the process. The first is submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI). After the LOI has been reviewed by Foundation staff, the second step is submission of a full proposal if an applicant is invited to do so by the Foundation.

For the October 2023 cycle, the Letter of Intent deadline is now May 22, and, if invited, full proposals are due July 17.
There is no change to the time that awards will be made at the conclusion of this cycle. Consideration of October 2023 grant requests will still result in decisions in early October.
Sacred Landmarks Grants are a component of the responsive grants program and follow the same process.
Questions about these updates may be directed to The Cameron Foundation’s office at 804-732-8900 or by emailing any member of the Foundation’s staff (https://camfound.org/about-us/staff).