October 27, 2011
Cameron Foundation concludes its final grant cycle of 2011 with awards totaling more than $1 million
PETERSBURG, VA — In its October meeting, The Cameron Foundation’s board approved $1,158,288 in new grants for 17 nonprofit organizations working in its service area across the Tri-Cities. This is the Foundation’s third and final competitive cycle for 2011, although staff continues to review requests on a rolling basis for its other grant programs, Technical Assistance and Basic Human Needs Emergency Grants. The year 2011 marks the Foundation’s seventh year of grantmaking.
In reflecting on The Cameron Foundation’s work over the past year, Board Chair Ann C. Taylor remarked that, “Although the Foundation has continued to feel the effects of the economy, we have worked extra hard to maintain a focus on making a positive impact in the community.” Taylor added that working in partnership with nonprofits, local governments and faith organizations is key to this effort.
Grants Committee Chair Cleveland A. Wright noted how the Foundation’s newest commitments for this cycle have remained consistent with its priorities for 2011, saying that, “Over fifty percent of our grantmaking this cycle went towards programs and projects in health and human services. While these areas remain central to the Foundation’s grantmaking portfolio, we also provide funding across several other program areas.” The Foundation’s seven program areas include education, community and economic development, civic affairs, cultural enrichment as well as conservation and historic preservation.
The October grantees include:
Colonial Heights Food Pantry – $50,000
Crater District Area Agency on Aging – $30,000
Dinwiddie County Public Schools – $55,600
District 19 Community Services Board – $55,000
FeedMore, Inc. – $75,000
Gateway Homes, Inc. – $35,000
Historic Petersburg Foundation, Inc. – $101,000
The James House – $55,000
John Tyler Community College Foundation – $75,000
Legal Aid Justice Center – $90,000
Petersburg Sheriff’s Office – $84,628
Rebuilding Together * Petersburg – $25,000
Serenity – $62,655
Southside Virginia Emergency Crew – $70,000
Stony Creek Volunteer Rescue Squad – $141,405
Sussex County Department of Social Services – $53,000
Virginia State University – $100,000
Among the larger awards this cycle, President Handy L. Lindsey characterized the Foundation’s $100,000 grant to Virginia State University (VSU) as a new and important capacity building investment for local nonprofits. “Many colleges and universities across the country have viable service learning programs, and this initiative will provide our community with the benefit of having access to one locally,” he said, adding, “This project represents a valuable opportunity to bridge resources between one of the region’s major institutions and some of the needs in our community. Cameron funding would enable VSU to launch it and begin matching students with opportunities to serve in local nonprofit organizations quickly.”
The Cameron Foundation was formed from the proceeds of the sale of Southside Regional Medical Center by the Hospital Authority of the City of Petersburg in April 2003. In addition to Taylor and Wright, its board consists of several other representatives from across Southside Virginia, including Larry C. Tucker, vice chair; Betty W. Thweatt, secretary; James L. Thacker, Jr., treasurer; Pamela Martin Comstock; Donald L. Haraway; Kevin A. Hill; and J. Tolleison Morriss, VI. The grants committee also includes representation by two community members, Linda L. Coleman of Colonial Heights and Dr. Marion H. Wilkins of Waverly.